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Neighborhoods Near Killeen, TX
- Allendale
- Bellaire Heights
- Bridgewood
- Brookhaven
- Bunny Ranch
- Castle Heights
- Cedar Hill
- Chimney Corners
- Chimney Hill
- Clear Creek
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- Copperfield
- Cresent Manor
- Downtown
- Eagle Valley
- Evening Hollow
- Fairway
- Fox Creek
- Goodnight Ranch
- Heather Glen
- Highview
- Hymesa Estates
- Jamesway
- Killeen Heights
- Kingsway
- Lake
- Loma Vista Estates
- Lonesome Dove
- Morning Glen
- Northcrest
- Northpark
- Old 440 Village
- Pershing Place
- Prairie View Estates
- Purser Crossing
- Rimes Ranch
- Robin Hood
- Saddleridge Estates
- Saegert Ranch
- Savannah Heights
- Skyline Terrace
- South Meadows
- Spanish Oaks
- Splawn Ranch
- Spring Valley Estates
- Stratford
- Sun Chase Estates
- Sunflower Estate
- Tanglewood Estates
- The Landing
- Thunder Creek Estates
- Timber Ridge
- Trimmier Estates
- Turtle Bend
- Western Hills
- Westpark
- White Rock
- Willow Ridge
- Willowbend
- Windfield Estates
- Yowell Ranch
* The likely starting bid for a given property auction, set by the seller at the time of listing. This value can be changed without further notice.
Notice to Visitors does not guarantee the availability of any property listed herein and does not promise that there are listings for every region.