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Neighborhoods Near Durham, NC
- Abercromby
- Albright
- American Village
- Audubon Park
- Barclay to Sandlewood
- Cardinal Lake
- Chancellor's Ridge
- Colonial Village
- Crest Street
- Duke Forest
- Duke Homestead
- Eno Trace
- Fieldstone by the Eno
- Grove Park
- Homeplace II
- Hope Valley
- Hope Valley Farms
- Lakehurst
- Landon Farms
- Merrick Moore
- Morehead Hill
- Myers Park/Beechgrove
- North Durham Community
- Northgate Park
- Old Farm
- Omah Street
- Parkwood
- Penrith
- Pleasant Drive
- Southside / St. Teresa
- Stadium Heights
- Swann's Mill
- Treyburn
- Trinity Park
- Walltown
- Watts Hospital-Hillandale
- Wellington Forest
- Wellons Village
- Willow Hill
- Willowhaven
- Woodlake
* The likely starting bid for a given property auction, set by the seller at the time of listing. This value can be changed without further notice.
Notice to Visitors does not guarantee the availability of any property listed herein and does not promise that there are listings for every region.