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What are Freddie Mac Foreclosures?

Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac (the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) and Fannie Mae are both organizations dedicated to helping Americans achieve homeownership goals. However, the two organizations approach this aim very differently. Fannie Mae offers financing options while Freddie Mac plays a significant role in the secondary mortgage market.

What Freddie Mac Does

Freddie Mac makes mortgages more affordable for all homebuyers because the organization buys home loans from banks and creates tradable securities from these mortgages by combining thousands of home loans together. When investors buy these securities, they essentially support the mortgage market. This pours more money into the mortgage market and offers additional security as well as additional sources of income to lenders. In turn, this allows lenders to offer more homebuyers more home loans at better rates. If you enjoy an affordable home loan, Freddie Mac is partly responsible.

Buying Foreclosures From Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac does not offer home loans directly and therefore there are no Freddie Mac foreclosures available from the organization. However, even though there are no Freddie Mac foreclosure homes, Freddie Mac can help you secure federal homes, government foreclosures, and even bank foreclosures. Whenever you seek financing for a real estate purchase, you enjoy lower interest rates because of Freddie Mac. When you buy house foreclosures for sale, you can enjoy reasonable financing because of the work Freddie Mac does behind the scenes.

If you want to save more money on your next property purchase, be sure to look at the listings available at BankForeclosuresSale.com. We offer a dazzling array of reliable, up-to-date listings. Here, you'll find many types of distressed houses as well as savvy advice on buying smart.

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