3 BD / 1 BH
GA 30354
Find foreclosed homes for sale up to 60% below market value on our foreclosure listings
Welcome to BankForeclosuresSale, where you'll find great information and loads of helpful resources to help you find great foreclosure real estate and buy it for the best discounts possible. Our comprehensive database of listings and valuable tools for investors will help you take advantage of the opportunity to buy apartments, homes and commercial real estate for prices that are way below market value. Even if you've never made a home purchase in your life, our service makes it easy to find the best deals available anywhere in the country.
Over 2 million foreclosure listings currently available in towns, cities and states all over the country. And with new availabilities and listings added all the time, there are more properties to view all the time.
A database of foreclosure listings that is updated and refreshed daily by a knowledgeable, expert staff with over a decade of experience in the real estate business. Our team knows how to get the newest listings fast, and we aim to bring them directly to our members as soon as the are available.
Listings that include satellite photos and area profiling, so that you can not only see the property itself, but also get an idea of the neighborhood around it. An important tool for making smart investment decisions.
Instant access to Google's Street View feature for select properties, so you can see street level photos of the properties that interest you.
Yahoo! Real Estate Educational Profiles detailing the local schools and information on the educational systems so that parents and families can buy homes with their children's future in mind.
Yahoo! Real Estate Neighborhood Profiles detailing all kinds of statistics and information on regions and neighborhoods in which you're considering buying property. Find out about demographics, employment rates, housing statistics, financial reports and all kinds of other details to help inform your search for the perfect home.
Access to lots of valuable information on the community surrounding the properties that interest you, such as the cost of living, median incomes, population demographics, climate information, health statistics, and detailed economic reports.
Access to detailed information on the property available through the Zillow real estate network.
Exclusive search filter options that make it easy to target the types of properties you want in large areas by details like price and number of bedrooms or bathrooms as well as location.
Access to Free 24-hour Customer Support from a our team of real estate experts. Pose questions, get clarification or give feedback anytime you need it.
A Free Foreclosure e-book as our gift detailing the secrets of the pros when it comes to foreclosure investing. Learn all about how to get the best prices on the kinds of homes you want!
Buying foreclosures offers you the chance to get some of the best prices on homes you'll find anywhere, and with BankForeclosuresSale on your side, you'll have all the tools, information and assistance you need to educate yourself and learn to make the best purchases. Sign up for our service and discover how you can make real estate investments with lasting value for huge discounts today.