3 BD / 1 BH
GA 30354
Find foreclosed homes for sale up to 60% below market value on our foreclosure listings
One of the most common ways that apartment foreclosures affect an individual is whenever they are evicted from their home because their landlord defaults on the property loan. At times, this only affects one family, but there are other times whenever apartment building foreclosures take place and an entire community is affected.
The laws are currently changing in favor of the renters and in many states, written notice must be given multiple times whenever an apartment building is going into foreclosure. They may even have the opportunity to stay within their apartment through the foreclosure process, becoming a tenant of the new owner.
Even though these foreclosed apartment buildings can be disastrous for the renters in some cases, they may also be an opportunity for you to own one of these buildings at under market value. Many of the apartment foreclosures for sale took place as a result of people taking out too much of a loan without the forethought that the property value might drop dramatically.
Many of these apartment building were purchased during the time whenever the real estate bubble was at its height. As a result of that bubble dropping out from underneath them, many apartment owners are resorting to walking away from their loans, similar to the way that many single-family homeowners are now facing a difficulty in paying their loans.
The opportunity certainly is out there for you to pick up one of these apartment buildings at a reduced rate. The renters market is booming and more and more families are turning to renting a place to live until the economy straightens itself out. It is an excellent time to pick up one of these apartment buildings and to hold onto it for the long term.
Some caution should be taken, however, because it is possible that the former owner allowed the apartment building to go into disrepair, knowing that they were going into foreclosure. By inspecting the property in advance, and making sure of what you're purchasing, you can easily walk away with something that will benefit you financially for many years to come.