3 BD / 1 BH
GA 30354
Find foreclosed homes for sale up to 60% below market value on our foreclosure listings
Single family homes, as their name suggests, are designed and built specifically for families. Each single family home is created for one family. Families require different amenities and a different type of housing than senior homeowners or young professionals and single family housing aims to meet these unique needs. Most single family homes for sale offer plenty of room for family activities and locations that are safe and close to schools.
If you are interested in a single family property, bank foreclosed homes or other types of distressed house may be the ideal way to shop. By considering foreclosures for sale, you can enjoy a high quality of home but without the big price tag. By saving money on your home purchase, you can invest more money into a larger home or invest more money into your family.
Many family homes are designed to offer a good quality of life and a good location. Many of these homes are 2000 square feet or less to make these homes affordable and more practical for families. However, in recent years many developers have begun to develop larger family homes in suburban settings. These larger single family homes offer a larger array of amenities to make family life more convenient and offer more room for family activities. While these homes are very attractive and often located in prime locations that are both safe and close to desirable amenities, these modern family homes tend to be quite expensive. Savvy homebuyers often turn to foreclosures to make these homes more affordable.
Foreclosures are properties which have been repossessed after the previous homeowners have defaulted on their mortgage. In many cases, these homes are sold for less than their market value because the lender is more concerned with recouping money lost on a bad loan than with getting the full price of the property. Government foreclosures offer even more advantages since government agencies have special programs in place to make home buying more affordable for Americans.
Families can greatly benefit from buying foreclosures. Foreclosed and distressed properties are available across the country in virtually every community. If you are patient, you will eventually find a foreclosure in the desirable community where you want to live. Foreclosure homes are also available in every size and style. There are foreclosed condos, homes, large suburban houses, bungalows, and more. You can save money on just about every home purchase just by shopping for foreclosures. Of course, the money saved benefits you and your family since the money saved can mean a bigger house or just more ready cash available for household expenses.
One great solution for families is fixer-uppers. While buying foreclosures with extensive required repairs is often not a good idea because of the extra costs of repairs, a foreclosure in need of paint and cleaning is a great investment. If you are willing to clean and paint a property over a weekend or two, you can often save thousands of dollars on your foreclosure purchase and earn some valuable sweat equity as well.
If you are ready to consider what foreclosures can offer your family, BankForeclosuresSale.com offers detailed and up-to-date listings of distressed properties. Our huge listings are sure to help you find a property you want. Plus, we offer many resources to help you buy smart.